Malory's Morte Darthur: 1971 broadcast version
We are hoping to make available online the magnificent broadcast version of Malory's Morte Darthur scripted by Derek Brewer in 1971 early in 2022. Further details will be announced on this website in the autumn.

The Chronicle of Gilles li Muisit
Translated by Introduction and Notes by Richard Barber Due June 2022

Knowledge of Arms: the early history of heraldry
A new study of the question of the way in which the use of arms developed from the eleventh century onwards, and the way in which heraldry as we know it developed. The key factor was not the authority of the heralds, who remained announcers and messengers until the mid-fourteenth century, but the 'knowledge of arms' possessed by the knights themselves. It is only in the late fourteenth century that the authority of heralds over armorial matters is recognised.